Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It's Mystery Quilt time again!

Bonnie Hunter has done it again!  It's called Easy Street and includes two of my favourite colours, aqua and lime green, so I am in.  I'm changing it up a bit with more emphasis on the purple and less on the lime, so that if my daughter likes it, I will size it up to King Size and gift it to her and her husband.  Here's a mockup of the colours in the proportions, based on Bonnie's estimated yardage.

I made this using my scrapbooking software (Storybook Creator 4.0 by Creative Memories), so these are samples of scrapbook paper, not actually fabric.  My colours will be close, maybe a bit richer.
Don't you just love it!  Bonnie had suggested 3 yards of the lime green, 3 1/4 of the aqua and 2 of the purple, but I'm going to use 2 yards of lime, 3 of aqua and 3 1/4 of the purple.  I have everything on hand except the grey and maybe a few black-on-whites.  I can't wait to start!!
I've already talked one friend into joining us, why don't you too?  The mystery starts November 23rd (the day after the American Thanksgiving) and will have one step posted every Friday through to about New Year's or so.  Last year, I made some each week to make sure I had the technique down pat.  I finished it up by the end of January - the fastest I had ever made a quilt start to finish, and it was also the largest! 


  1. Love your mock up. Cool color choices this year too, but may have to change things around to fit my stash. Looking forward to seeing your fabrics and your progress!

  2. I am joining in and actively am recruiting too (not that Bonnie needs any help, lol) because it is SO much fun to see everyone's progress!


Thank you for your comments! If you ask a question, I will reply here!